The Creek Speaks
The Creek Speaks: Gas pipe, projector screen and projector, Driftwood. Twin speakers and amplifier, Raspberry pi modular sound system. Repeating live modular soundtrack.
An immersive sound installation housed within a section of gas piping on the site of Creekside Discovery Centre commisioned for the first Deptford X artist weekender. The work is a realtime auditory assemblage of field recording fragments from around the Creek and under the water, gathered from excursions with hydrophone microphones. Natural and industrial sounds collected and used in modular performances and then spliced into a realtime sequenced soundscape. The mix of the background Creekside ambience, the shape of the pipe and the modular composition creates certain site-specific resonances which invite contemplations and conversations. The sound work is intended to evoke reflection and deeper connection to place. The night showing of the work also involved animated video projection onto the fabric at one end of the pipe which is pulled tight like a drum and also serving to focus the sound.